Ongoing Events: check the calendar for details
ARCHERY – The archery range is open. You currently need to bring your own targets and stands. The club is looking for folks to volunteer to help Lee Test coordinate the archery range and programs. Please see Lee Test
Women- an active group of lady shooters meet discuss safety and self-defense and shoot on the 4th Saturday morning of each month. call Krystal Potteet 928-763-4326 for details
5-Stand- Tri State has a very challenging 5 -stand course open every Sat and Sun come out and try your shot gunning skills.
Trap – We have 4 trap fields, open every Thur, Sat and Sun, most Sunday’s have a 50 bird derby, also regular ATA shoots and Big 50 events check the calendar.
Skeet – We have 4 skeet fields open every Thur, Sat and Sun.
Weekly – Sunday Trap Derby:
The popular seasonal Sunday Trap competitions/BBQ’s happen every Sunday from fall until late spring! Shoot 50 clays and enjoy a BBQ lunch for only $12.00 (+ammo)! Derby’s start at 10 am and continue until someone wins and the food is all gone. Come on down and enjoy a fun filled morning!
Hunter Safety Classes:
Our volunteer Hunter Education instructors offer regular Hunter Safety Classes at the range. Check our Hunter Education page or AZG&F web page for details .
Youth Activities:
Scholastic Shotgun and youth Marksmanship programs are available. Please see the Youth Activities Page Here.
Rimfire .22 Tactical 2 gun match- This is a 2 gun (handgun and rifle.22) tactical match, holster not required, any sights allowed on either gun.
RIMFIRE STEEL CHALLENGE- Bring your .22 pistols and rifles. You need both a .22 handgun and a .22 rifle, each event has 5 runs so multiple magazines are helpful.
DEFENSIVE MATCH -Monthly we have a defensive match (along the lines of IDPA) always handgun stages, some matches add the shotgun and some add the carbine. We start shooting at early come out and test your skills.
Tri State steel shooters- Monthly we have a centerfire handgun or PCC (pistol caliber carbine) steel only match (sometimes multi gun), at the beep draw and shoot as fast as you can clang and bang fun match. We will soon be alternating a bowling pin match with the steel match We start shooting early, especially during hot months.
Surplus /Service Rifle- A fun any sight match for old surplus rifles, service rifles, the match is shot offhand, sitting and prone from 100 yards different targets. check calendar for match dates
Precision Rimfire – Bench rest rimfire match, we shoot 25 yards, 50 yards and longer. Very challenging assortment of targets, good optics are necessary. A fun shoot. check the calendar for match dates. Sandbags or bipods okay no full rifle cradles.
Rimfire- Silhouette and Bullseye matches, rifle and pistol events
Lever action centerfire rifle match-A fun any sight match for old lever rifles, the match is shot offhand, sitting and prone from 100 yards different targets.
Hunting rifle match (.243 up) -A fun any sight match for hunting rifles, the match is shot offhand, sitting and prone from 100 yards different targets.
AR15 Carbine Steel Match– AR15/carbine style match, offhand shooting at steel targets from barricades and other props.
Bullseye Pistol Match- bullseye style match, one handed with a .22 target pistol and a centerfire pistol, 20 rounds from each gun at a 20 yard bullseye target.
Rimfire Sniper match – Precision rimfire shooting from numerous unstable positions at a combination of rimfire targets both metal and paper from 30-85 yards, timed event.
BUG gun match- BUG gun (backup gun 3.8″ barrel or shorter) a defensive/CCW match using the small micro pistols in defensive style stages.
Revolver Match – a combination of USPSA/IDPA style stages using revolvers.
Multi Gun Matches- defensive style matches with stages typically using 3 guns handgun,rifle and shotguns.